O3 Project
The Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) project (2020 -2021) implemented in the Central and Upper East regions of Ghana worked to ensure that young people in Ghana realize positive health, education, and gender equality outcomes through sustained reductions in new HIV infections, unintended pregnancy, and sexual and gender-based violence.
- ROC (Rights Of the Child)
ROC (Rights Of the Child)

The ROC (Rights Of the Child) Project took place in the Central & Eastern regions in about 20 communities. It started in 2005 and ended 2010. The target group was children in rural communities. They benefitted from the project in terms of capacity building in the area of their rights. The project empowered the children to speak up for their rights and it facilitated their participation in processes related to their development. PLAN Ghana was the funding organization.
- No Yawa

NO YAWA was a project led and funded by DKT International Ghana, in cooperation with Marie Stopes International Ghana and the Grameen Foundation. It took place in 2014, in the Greater Accra region. Curious Minds played a role in the project by organizing radio programmes for young people (mainly women) and policy makers. Through the radio programmes we created demand for Sexual Reproductive Health services, sensitized and strengthened the knowledge of young people on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights.
- Comprehensive Abortion Care
CAC (comprehensive abortion care)

The CAC (comprehensive abortion care) Project ran in the Greater Accra region from 2011 to 2020 with support from Ipas Ghana. Young people (mainly young women) and policy makers are benefitting from the project through educative and informative broadcast radio programmes. As a result, the demand for sexual and reproductive health services is increasing and young people who listen to the programme are increasingly becoming aware of the availability of CAC and other sexual and reproductive health services in health facilities near them.

The ASK-Ghana project ran in the Upper East and Northern regions. It was implemented with other local partners of the Ghana SRHR Alliance Between 2013 and 2015 it has provided about 6000 children, both in and out of school young people, with comprehensive sexuality education. This way it contributed to the reduction of unwanted and unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and it increased the demand for sexual reproductive health services. The project was funded by dance4life through the Ghana SRHR Alliance for Young People.
- Youth & ICPD

The Youth and ICPD project has run since 2014 nationwide, it addresses young people and policy makers. The aim of the project is to give young people a better understanding of the ICPD programme of action and to strengthen the young people’s advocacy on Sexual Reproductive Health issues. dance4life is funder of this project.
- Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals

The SDGs project started in 2015 in West and Central Africa. The beneficiaries of this project are young people’s organizations and policy makers. The expected effect of the project is to build the capacities of young people to influence the SDG processes. The project is funded by ARROW (Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Center for Women).